A Home for the Ages
24 July 2019
"We live in a rapidly ageing society. Within five years, the over 60s will make up over 25% of the English population and this is a trend that is set to accelerate. Despite this, little thought has been given to how the housing need of our population is going to change."
RIBA and Centre for Towns published an Age-Friendly Housing report on 16th July: 'A Home for the Ages: Planning for the future with age-friendly design' which challenges the current failure in England to meet the need for housing that is suitable for the older generation. From making housing stock more accessible though to delivering specialised housing for people with significant care needs, there is a current failure to build enough of all forms of age-friendly housing. By identifying the costs associated with this failure and potential benefits that could be achieved through action, the report makes the case for how policymakers focusing on increasingly age-friendly housing provision could play an important role in tackling the extensive issues in both housing and social care.
The document also showcases one of Pozzoni's recent schemes as a case study. See page 36 for details on the Seafarers UK Centenary Wing Mariners Park scheme.
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to read the publication.