UHNS Redevelopment – Projects

UHNS Redevelopment

Client: University Hospital of North Staffordshire NHS Trust
Sector: Living
Size: 8.84 hectares - Housing masterplan
Value: £35 million
Location: Stoke-on-Trent
Status: In Progress
Internal Team: Nigel Saunders

As a result of the University of North Staffordshire Hospital relocating to a new private finance initiative hospital, two sites belonging to the Trust became redundant. We were appointed to secure outline planning approval to redevelop them for residential use.

The vision is to create high-quality, high-value, family-oriented housing that responds carefully to its context, landscape, linkages and views. The masterplan is the result of thorough analysis plus well-informed public and stakeholder consultations. Several key heritage buildings were identified for retention, conversion into apartments and successful integration within areas of housing.

Outline planning consent has been achieved and this sets the basis for a strong, well-balanced and sustainable development providing 310 new homes.