Sutton Town Centre Regeneration – Projects

Sutton Town Centre Regeneration

Client: Public Intelligence / Sutton Council
Sector: Living
Size: 182,500sqft, 1,015 homes
Location: London Borough of Sutton
Status: In Progress
Internal Team: Jamie Wood

Initially engaged by Public Intelligence in early 2022 we were commissioned to prepare design work within RIBA Stage 0 to help define the business case and brief for the regeneration of four sites within Sutton town centre, the St Nicholas Shopping Centre, Civic Centre campus, Gibson Road Car Park, and the Secombe Theatre. This included developing urban design analysis, reviewing design studies in and around the proposed sites, and preparation of initial site responses. These responses reflected a number of key documents including Sutton Local Plan, Town Centre Masterplan as well as the Council proposals on Civic Centre utilisation and proposed new ways of working.

More latterly we have acted as design advisor to Sutton Council, assisting in driving ambitious plans to revitalise Sutton town centre through a mixed-use scheme incorporating housing, retail, leisure, plus a new Civic Hub. We have been active in the comprehensive competitive dialogue process which resulted in Genr8 Kajima Regeneration being appointed in October 2024.

The plans for the St Nicholas Shopping Centre, Civic Offices, Gibson Road car park and Secombe Theatre sites will see a brand new Civic Hub open in the heart of the town centre. The Hub will offer residents a new ‘front door’ to access services from the Council and its partners right on the high street, as well as a new library and community spaces. The proposed Civic Hub is scheduled for completion by mid-2029.

Around 740 new homes - 50% of which will be affordable housing for local families, including nearly 300 homes for social rent - will be built on the existing Civic Offices, Gibson Road car park and Secombe Theatre sites. There will also be improvements to the public realm, such as new ways to access the town centre.

The new retail space will provide opportunities for both existing and new businesses, as well as a range of new leisure facilities. This new mix of activities will provide Sutton residents and visitors a totally new experience and strengthen the local economy.

Images credit: GKRL / AHMM

Images credit: GKRL / AHMM
